Thursday, June 11, 2020


To some extent as restrictions are lifted you get the feeling that a lot of people feel the danger of the virus has passed.  It hasn't.

The only real question is whether it will be a second wave similar to the first one or just a persistent background infection.  That is really up to all of us.
Some of the places where the pandemic did minor damage have assumed they are safe.  They aren't as we are seeing in some of the numbers. 
Viruses spread based on the number on targets available.  Clearly in large metropolitan areas it spread early and quickly.  It doesn't give up and unless you eliminate it, it will reemerge quickly.
It is entirely up to us.  Imagine you were forced to go to a country where a deadly virus was rampant and it was necessary to wear some protective equipment, avoid close personal contact and do things like wash your hands, dis-infect objects and exercise care to avoid it.
You are in that country.  If you ignore the warnings you still might be OK, most people survive the virus, but you might end up infecting vulnerable members of your family or friends.
Its your choice.

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