Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Ultimately the only way we are going to co-exist with the current virus is when we achieve herd immunity like we have with so many of its predescessors.  Getting to that point is the hard part. The natural way would be to allow the virus to spread infecting almost everyone.  

 This is the way we had to do it before we developed modern medicine and our current ability to develop vacines.  It results in many deaths that were simply the natural cost of acquiring herd immunity.

If we fail to develop a vaccine ultimately we will eventually experience it this way.  There are ways to "flatten the curve" but that is essentially a way to simply spread out the cost.  This is based on the assumption that the virus has become widespread and prevalent, which the statistics clearly indicate.  

This cost is considered way too high.

We instead have some medical option that we are pursuing.  The one that would provide the best option is developing a vaccine that would essentially create here immunity on an expedited basis. That is the best option.

While we wait we also are developing treatments that reduce the mortality rate.  These efforts have been varied.  

Still it's hopeful.

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