Friday, May 31, 2019

A Tariff for You and for You and for....

One trick pony and he's not even good at the one trick.

Its like watching a toddler trying to act like an adult.

Possibly because even he might realize what a fool he looked like yesterday we got Mexican tariffs as a distraction.

It might be considered a good thing by some of his more racist or ignorant supporters, they don't like Mexicans to start with, but its going to hurt many more people and probably accomplish nothing.

Unfortunately, we have inflicted this joke of a President upon the world who by now realize that he is even worse than they imagined.

They must be wondering if his election was just an aberration or if this country has descended permanently into a rabbit hole?

I certainly hope not and don't think we have.

But unfortunately with the way our elections can be manipulated and factors like the electoral college and low turnout, there's no way to be sure.

After all our "moral" evangelical brothers and sisters decided to ignore his obvious moral turpitude and vote for him because they want to impose their abortion views on the rest of us.

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