Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tax Us Via Tariffs and Give it to the Wealthy

I was watching a show in which the question was asked if out dontard really believes it when he says the tariffs are paid by China?

The answer seems to be tat he does, which would have been my guess since he is imposing the tariffs on Chinese goods.

The fact that he doesn't understand this when he was in various business over his lifetime is a bit surprising.  He was not generally involved in the type of business where he would have learned this.

He was originally a developer.  Developers have their own issues related to labor and materials but dealing with tariffs is not one of them, its just part of the product cost.

Most of his other so called businesses only required the use of his name with him having little to no real involvement, except maybe approving a color or being in an ad.

Not where you would learn about much of anything and certainly not tariffs.

He then was a reality host for a period of time and once again no practical knowledge of business except how much he was getting paid.

Those who consider him a business genius should think again.

So does he understand how tariffs work?  Probably not and he obviously thinks the tax money he is collecting doesn't come from Americans.

While the tariffs increase the cost of items bought by everyone, it is by definition a regressive tax, since it is the same for everybody.

Not a Robin Hood, he takes from the poor and gives to the rich, like every self serving dontard.

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