Thursday, May 23, 2019

Countdown to Climate Disaster

I was reading an article that came from the where it took a statement by a junior democratic congressperson and tried to show that it was too draconian and believed by a majority of gullible democrats.

The quote is as follows:

“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?'

Now first of all in common usage a statement like this is clearly not designed as a scientific discussion of the deadline to address climate change. Faced with the impending disaster that will take place and has in fact already started, we need to fix it no matter the cost.

The timeline is meant to connote the urgency of the situation and is in the same format as say a statement like 'the house is on fire and your rearranging the closets?"  

The statement is clear, we need to get our priorities right and not worry about how to pay for it.

We already see effects of climate change in the severe weather, rising sea levels, stronger storms and other related phenomena.  Is 12 years a scientific estimate?

No, the amount of time we have to avert climate disaster is not clear.  

It may already be too late, but we need to start addressing the issue right now, not in 12 years.

The countdown has already started and to try to act like a single quote by a politician means anything at all is simply silly politics.

What matters is the scientific consensus and doing the things we need to do to slow, stop or reverse the damage.

Its beyond politics, but some politicians are so short sighted they just don't seem to care.

The are probably moving to higher ground anyways.

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