Tuesday, May 14, 2019

China pays the Tariffs and Mexico funds the Wall

Its nice that those countries are so generous and the American taxpayer doesn't have to dig deep.

Farmers especially are enjoying the situation unable to sell soybeans and other crops to one of their biggest customers, losing market share they may never regain.

The economy is so strong that almost anyone can get a minimum wage job!

Get two or three even if you want to make ends meet.

Its always been true that new graduates struggle to find jobs but we now have burdened them with mountains of debt to increase their level of anxiety!

At least they can join the under employed auto workers and others drowning in the opioids that are so plentiful.

Helps keep you mind off the nukes in North Korea or the revitalized Iranian development effort.

Its an Alfred E. Neuman world, why worry!

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