Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Foreign Policy?

According to the administration Iran is planning some sort of trouble and we have dispatched a carrier.

In a somewhat sad commentary of our current faith in our government, there is a "show me" attitude since the WMD fiasco in Iraq.

Its also likely that our simpleton in the White House who bought in to all the FOX news criticisms over the years about how the prior administrations simply had to flex some muscle to get the world to comply with us.

It doesn't work, at least not in any meaningful sense.

Our foreign policy is pretty much a mess, with our allies concerned about our reliability and trustworthiness and our enemies manipulating our dontard.

One of the successes he touts is that he has inspired our allies to spend more money on their defense, and they have, but so have we.

If the benefit was supposed to be that we would spend less, it isn't happening.

Everyone spending more turns into an arms race.

Isis was being pushed out of territory when he took over and that continued.  They aren't destroyed and may be more dangerous than ever.  Certainly the middle east isn't friendlier and we managed to let Russia and Iran exert more and more influence.

North Korea played us and he let them.

Sanctions, tariffs and sending in a carrier are not much in the way of foreign policy.  Its all he seems to have though.

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