Monday, May 13, 2019

Deal or no Deal

Watching the art of no deal currently happening in Washington is not surprising.  Dealing with foreign Governments is very different than trying to construct a business deal.

Some things are the same, but there is a big difference between putting together a real estate deal and negotiating a trade agreement.  In the first instance everybody is vested in achieving the same goal.  In the second the parties are trying to get the advantage. 

Clearly out negotiations or lack thereof on nuclear issues is clearly too complex for a failed real estate developer who couldn't successfully run any business he tried.  His airline, his casino, his university and many others were abject failures or frauds. 

Simply demanding they do what he wants because we have the biggest army is not credible when everyone knows he is essentially a coward.

Yes, in the end something will be agreed to and he will declare success, but if you consider what he actually gets, we will be lucky to be as good off as when we started.

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