Saturday, May 11, 2019

Democracy Should be Rule of the Prople!

The good news is that no matter how absurd things get in our Government, most things simply continue as always.

Things obviously change, we all have cell phones now, but the basic pattern of our lives doesn't.

Clearly what happens in the various forms of Government matters.

It just doesn't normally have an immediate impact.

It makes it easy to ignore for most of us and also easy to complain about.

One of the things that causes the Government to be dysfunctional is that our system allows small but fervent factions to have undo influence.

If you consider our primary system, it is supposedly more democratic than when the party decided who should represent it, but now, because so few actually bother to vote, you see it becoming less representative for most of us.

You also see games played in primaries as some allow open or crossover voting.

Shouldn't the candidates represent the actual party they run under?

We've developed a system where the primary voting is often more important than the actual elections.

We need a system of universal voting if we really want a democracy that represents us.

It might be difficult to implement, but its time to make sure our democracy is actually real and not one that can be stolen.

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