Monday, May 27, 2019

Not News

We don't have as much fake news as we have meaningless news.

There are things that actually have an impact on our lives and then there are things that are of interest to a very small number of people which have taken over what should be real news.

Example, real news would be whether or not the President committed an impeachable offense.  If he did it should result in impeachment.

What is being covered is the ins and outs of the politics and how the American people would react.

Guilt or innocence is not a matter of popularity, or at least it shouldn't be.

Most of the coverage I see and hear isn't so much about actual news as about, for lack of a better term, meta news.

An event like tariffs can spawn a million stories when the story is really simply what tariffs were imposed and how does it impact us.

We are so interested in filling air space that we have to predict how people will react conduct polls to see how we reacted and then critique the polls to predict how they might impact the next election.

So much is going to happen between now and then that I'm pretty sure this is just space filler.

Some fake news is in fact mingled in there, but the problem is that so much meaningless news can overcome what is real.

Is the Supreme Court going to overturn Roe vs Wade, will they even hear a case about it.

We love to speculate and predict, but its not really news.

Its nothing at all.

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