Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Politicians tend to be out of touch with their constituents.

In this country that shouldn't be the case, but it is more true than it should be.

Part of the problem is that politicians are mostly interested in getting elected or re-elected and knowing your constituents isn't important for that.

You need to garner enough support to win a primary, and that can sometimes be done by pushing a single issue.  It just has to be an issue that resonates with enough people to win.

Certain issues which are not the majority views in most of the country tend to be important in primaries.

Take abortion.  People mostly support a woman's right to choose.  It just isn't something that fires them up.  Those who oppose abortion tend to be much more fervent and will often vote based on a politicians position on that issue alone.  It has become one of the things you must be against to win a republican primary,

 Issues like these have become dominant in winning primaries and getting elected because of the small turnouts.

So we see politicians get nominated and elected that don't represent the majority opinions.

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