Thursday, May 9, 2019


Deficits up, no negotiated deals, more shooting and hate crimes, wages still stagnant, farmers in trouble, Cabinet members found in contempt of congress, and North Korea and Iran increasing nuclear expansion.

Wealthy people and businesses are making money thanks to the directed tax cuts but that may not last much longer if the situation with China deteriorates.

Our friends don't trust us and our enemies don't take us very seriously.

We are doing very little to prevent a climate disaster and in fact encourage behavior that will speed it along.

We have an administration which only cares about the rich and the easily fooled who listen to the rhetoric and believe the lies, which are easily documented.

Much like his spotted business resume, he is all about the show and has trouble making it go.

If you listen to the people on the animal news, they act like there are great accomplishments.

The great economy is a continuation of the recovery with a boost from tax cuts and increased defense spending.  The increased National Debt will come back to haunt us not to mention the climate disaster.

To top it off we have more uninsured Americans this year than last.

Not really any progress at all.

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