Friday, May 24, 2019

Memorial Day

This is Memorial Day weekend and its a good time to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this nation.

Not all of those who died always believed in the war they fought in, particularly in the Vietnam War, but they all answered their countries call to serve and fulfilled their ultimate obligation as a citizen.

We now have an all volunteer force and that might have its advantages but it also has some disadvantages, as it moves us closer to having an Army that isn't representative of us as a nation.

In many ways having a draft lottery applied to all for a certain portion of the military will engage the public, at least the more successful parts of the public in its issues and concerns.

Of course some people always found ways to avoid serving, even when there was a draft, i.e. our draft dodger commander in chief.

None of this takes away from the honor we should hold those who died for our country.

They served, they risked everything and they paid the ultimate price.

Take some time to remember them this weekend.

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