Saturday, May 4, 2019

Church and State

The idea that Church and State can be separated is a relatively unique one.  In fact it isn't all that prevalent in most of the world.

Om pretty much every ancient civilization they were one and the same.

In fact in most of those cultures, state functions were often religious functions, there just wasn't any difference.

If you think about it, the people who told you how to live and what to do had to work in unison or it would be chaotic.  In the middle ages the Protestant reformation was accompanied by savage wars as individual Kings and Princes decided what religion would be practiced in their state.  It was the exception rather than the rule when subject peoples were allowed to continue worshiping their own God or gods.

The persecution of non-conforming sects was one of the factors that led to people emigrating to America and because they were distinct colonies, each following a slightly different version of Christianity that we said no State religion would be created, it was needed to get acceptance.

It was unlikely that the founders were accepting of non-Christian religions, but the Constitution is and today we see our country as one of the few where so many religions are allowed to thrive.

We see a bit of a reaction currently as certain state practices violate or seem to violate certain religious beliefs.

There is some desire by those practicing evangelical religions to make the country righteous and tolerating what they consider sin is also a sin.

They exert some significant influence, especially in certain states as they can certainly influence who wins primaries, and sometimes general elections.

The freedom of religion, or in fact the freedom to not practice religion is something most of us cherish about this country.

Like all our rights, it is not guaranteed, we need to defend it and protect it.

Freedom is never free, each generation has to earn it.

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