Sunday, May 19, 2019

Its a Legal Issue

Nobody is actually in favor of abortion.  It is a solution of last resort for people who have a serious problem.

In some cases you simply have those who for whatever reason failed to protect themselves during sex and for whom the pregnancy is an unexpected consequence.  One would like to think that the number of those incidents could be reduced with proper sex education (of course some oppose that) but it is pretty clear that no matter what unplanned pregnancies will occur.  In these cases the pregnancy is potentially a life changing event that could range from catastrophic to inconvenient.  Of course in other cases the decision is as a result of other more serious issues, such as serious birth defects, rape, incest, etc.

However, the choice being made is that of the women/girls who have to make it.  It is possible that some make the decision cavalierly but I doubt it. The real issue, and the basis of Roe vs Wade, is whether the State can intervene in a woman's decision about her body when it doesn't in fact create a societal threat.

A fetus is not yet a person and only really becomes one after birth.  We see states trying to redefine this status and giving it protection.  They are hoping to get the Supreme Court to effectively reverse the decision or Roe vs Wade and allow fetuses certain rights.

As we add conservative justices, although redefining a fetus as a person who has rights is hardly conservative the chances of this are increasing.  Still it just seems unlikely Roe vs Wade will ever be overturned, because legally there is no basis.

The basis is much more a religious one.  While all organisms involved are in some sense alive, as are sperm and eggs before conception, the non-religious rule has to be that if it is part of a women's body it is her decision.  If we start to dictate these decisions we are invading her privacy and there really is not legal basis to do that.

It may or may displease your God and of course no one is forced to forego their beliefs to have an abortion, but your belief does not give you the right to violate another person's rights.

I don't like abortions and think unwanted pregnancies should be avoided via education and access to contraception.  Still, it isn't ultimately my decision and to impose such a decision is the first step to religious tyranny.

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