Sunday, May 26, 2019

Make America Better

One of the things Americans are know for is a lack of tact.

The idea of the Ugly American (behavior not looks) was and is a trait we have.

Part of this is due to our relative isolation as a nation, we are, unlike most of the world, fairly remote.

Of course the true ugly American doesn't accept that and thinks it is everyone else who is in the wrong place.

Which is the other characteristic of excessive pride just for being born in this country.

None of us had anything to do with who our parents were ore what country we were born in.

Some of act as if being an American is an achievement, which it is for an immigrant, but not for those born here.  It is simply a fact.

Still we take pride in it, as do people born in other countries, but we seem to think everyone should simply agree we are the best.

If somehow the achievements we personally had nothing to do with are nonetheless credited to us in some general way, they should still be at least legitimate achievements of the country.

Many of the things we seem to take pride in didn't even originate here.

After all we are still a relatively young country and many of the things that define a country were imported from elsewhere.  Our language, our form of Government and our religions are all immigrants.

America is a great country and we enjoy freedoms and prosperity here envied by much of the world.  However are we the greatest country?  It depends on how you measure that.  We have the strongest military but trail many other countries on many measurements such as health care, income equality, equal rights.  We have problems with gun violence and racism that are hardly areas of pride.

Celebrate America but it can be better and not realizing that is problematic.

Its not love it or leave it.  Its love it and make it better!

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