Monday, June 28, 2021

A Good Start!

 Its still quite early in the Biden Administration and despite how pessimistic many observers were it is off to a good start.  The covid stimulus bill was enacted and is helping the economy.  Was the bill perfect but if you wait for perfect you ass nothing.  

We seem to be close to the end of the virus, at least in this county, although, to quote Mr T, I pity the fools who didn't get the vaccine.  They most likely will get the virus since the new variant is more infectious and some of them will die, but at least they avoided some minor side effects.  Its not too late to just get the vaccine.

We seem to be on the path to passing a bipartisan physical infrastructure plan while the soft infrastructure plan is not bipartisan but still on track.  

Some problem areas exist but that will always be the case.  Murders and serious crime went up during the pandemic and is still higher than it was.  Whether this has to do with the new administration or some other cause is unclear.  I'm not sure we ever will know for sure.  We have seen decreasing crime for quite a while now and never were sure why.  I would like to point out that it started from a very low level and is a bit worrisome but hardly a crisis for most of us.

There are more migrants applying for entrance at the Southern Border but condition there have improved for most.  It is an ongoing issue but it really seems to have been highlighted by some of our conservative media into something it never was.  However it does provide good video.

There are societal issues, some real, some manipulated that get a lot of media time.  This is basically campaigning.

We are not quite 6 months into this administration and the country is bouncing back.  

I call it a good start!

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