Wednesday, June 2, 2021

We Are Still the Melting Pot

 It is hard to imagine that the Americans I know are wiling to let others lose their rights because of a lie.

It is also hard for me to imagine that there are still many people that honestly believe that we had  any significant fraud in the last election.

Call me cynical but I believe those who claim to believe the lie are in fact lying.  It is just about the politics where they want to install a Government that will pursue the polices they want.

They haven't been presented with any facts indicating fraud, merely theories that can't be easily disproven.  If the people who examine the machines say it didn't happen that just means they are part of the cover-up.  

It is so transparent that I don't believe people actually believe it to any great degree.  They repeat the lie and defend it because it is now a core tenet of their cult.

The issue that drives them is the fact that demographics show the country will in a few years have more not-whites than whites. This of course depends on how you determine non-whites.  

They envision an American where they and their descendants suffer the way minorities have suffered.

That is simply not going to happen since most of the people they fear will be just as American as they have ever been.  Despite it being an unreasonable fear the facts are true.

We are becoming a more diverse country population wise but that has been the case since the beginning.  Wave after wave of immigrants were considered undesirable until they became the ones complaining about the next wave.

If you come here you and your descendants will be Americans upholding the same traditions we always have.  Maybe we can get rid of the racism though.

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