Sunday, June 13, 2021

Colonial Views in a Modern World

 Something that has kept lawyers wealthy and the rest of us confused is how what were meant to be simple ideas get twisted into complex ones.

Take the 2nd Amendment.  It was written by people who had recently had issues with the British Government trying to suppress local militias.  In fact the historic battles that started the war were based on the British marching to seized weapons caches.  

So w see the simple words of the 2nd Amendment that talks about a well regulated militia and the people to own and bear arms not being infringed.  Its pretty obvious to many they were reacting to what they had just lived through.   Simple enough although we are still arguing about it over 200 years later.

The world of today is very different than the world of the founders although human nature is the same.  Would the founders approve of giving people weapons that could kill hundreds in a very short time?

Similarly, freedom of speech was straightforward enough but if they were presented with social media and other modern technologies would they feel the same?

I can't imagine it happening and especially since we almost definitely couldn't reach agreement, but we might need a relook at these basic rights and a new determination considering modern technologies.

The founders were prestigious men of the 18th century who accepted things like slavery and women's subservience as normal.  Might be worth another look every so often.

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