Saturday, June 12, 2021

Fiscal Responsibility?

 If the media is correct we may have a deal on infrastructure but it doesn't include higher taxes on the rich and business to pay for it.

If that can pass they should do it since the possible is better than nothing.  Of course there will be opportunities to address the tax issues later.

To some extent taxes are a bit of a usage fee.  If you live in this country you almost definitely use its infrastructure and resources.  Business bein in the business of moving inventory delivering products or using freight trains for freight is a heavy user of our infrastructure, meaning highways and bridges.

To some extent tolls help but the impact of a tractor trailer is so much more on a highway than almost any number of cars.  That much weight can clearly do damage that no number of cars could match.

Further businesses in this and other countries count on infrastructure their employee who use it to get to work or even to work at home. They should pay a fair share of the costs to maintain it.

Outside of startups and struggling businesses, any increase in taxes is lily to result in less stock buybacks.  Price increase are tied to competition not tax benefits.

It seems a bit ironic that to maybe get Rpublican support the Democrats had to agree to increase the deficit and national debt?

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