Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Democracy Is Us

 Some people are clearly intelligent in one field but then say idiotic things in politics.

Some notable ones are actually Doctors and I think  demands on people in pre-med and then medical school prevents them from being well rounded.

Further, if you are not exceedingly rich you will also likely end up with tremendous student debt.

Now being a doctor requires that we screen out people who might be unable to perform, it is often a life and death profession, but have we failed to provide them with an adequate understanding of humanity?

The latest example is the article written by Rand Paul defending voting restrictions by pretending that Gerrymandered state legislatures need to protect the voters because they know better.

Well they have organized the state legislatures to be Republican and if the majority of the State's voters are Democrats, well of course the legislature's know better.

Oddly this is an old argument in history where the elite need to protect society from the uneducated masses.  

In Roman history the rule of the elite led to the downfall of the Republic and 400 years of Emperors.  

Democracy has its problems.  It is just better than everything else.

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