Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Life Is Good, Enjoy It

 A lot of my fellow Americans seem to believe things are actually much worse than what they see and only want confirmation of how bad it is.

We do have people who are homeless and we just had a Pandemic which isn't quite over yet, but for various reasons it just isn't that bad.

Take crime increase.  It has increased from very low numbers that might have had something to do with the nations demographics.  The increase sounds dramatic in percentages but is really not that bad when you look at the actual numbers and the types.  Murders in New York increased nearly 25% from 2019 to 2020 but that represented about 100 murders in a city of over 8 million.  The nature of those murders hasn't changed much, there are not roving bands of murderers killing strangers, most murders are by people who know the victim.  We have seen two areas to be somewhat worried about, mass shootings and certain gang activity.

Property damage was higher somewhat related to the protests last year.  

Overall crime actually decreased a bit year over year which is why we see the rabble rousing media focus on murders.  

The economy is also doing fairly well buoyed somewhat by the stock market and federal money.  Will this come back to bite us eventually?  Maybe but not in the immediate future.

We are dealing with issues related to climate change more and more but the answer to that is to address the problem.

The world is a dangerous place but I don't think we see that impacting our day to day lives.  Some attribute the Pandemic to Chinese actions but that is generally illogical, even if it escaped from their lab.  

We even have a wide selection of paper products now.

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