Sunday, June 6, 2021

Focus On Real Issues

 Most of what you read in the media and see on shows is discussion about what party will do better in the mid-terms and how they can, as a party, win or lose.

Its written this way because it makes it manageable and simplistic.

The problem for the American people is that deciding what party to support is hardly the question.  

Its support for the actual candidates.

To some extent parties are brands but unlike say McDonalds, each candidate is different.  

Establishing the Democratic brand as the one that will deliverer good Government, Climate corrections, low taxes, health care and infrastructure improvement is only as effective as the candidates presenting that message.

Some other social issues are at times associated with a candidate but are not real issues to the party or the electorate.  While all people in this country are entitled to equal protection and access under the law, what pronoun we use is not the Government's concern.  

Issues that are important to a very small number of people should not define how Americans view the party.  The Republicans want them to be.

Being "woke" is fine but run on the real issues that impact all Americans.

Whatever pronoun you use doesn't change having to flee rising coastal roads on bumpy roads while catching infectious diseases.

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