Thursday, June 17, 2021

Ignoring the Past Doesn't Work

 People objecting to critical race theory being taught in schools when in fact it isn't.  It might be part of a university course but it is certainly not taught in lower grades.

I'm also not an expert on it but as I understand its fundamental point it takes a deep look into the impact of race in our society.

I will say this about the theory, it looks for the impact of race on everything and maybe some thing don't have much to do with race, but if you look for a connection you may find one.

That being said any conclusions should be open to debate,  What shouldn't be open to debate is the academic research.

What most of the uproar is about is simply conservative propaganda.  In general that sort of research is going to disclose a lot of white oppression and a lot of black victims.  There isn't anyway it comes out different.

It doesn't say all whites are guilty or inferior, that sort of conclusion would be absurd.  

However its hard to deny the actual history where people were seized against their will and turned into slaves.  After emancipation their descendants were often treated as second class citizens with impact that have lasted until this time.

That is history and if you want to root out racism you need to understand how it exists.  

If teaching children about slavery and pointing out the whites oppressed the black slaves and maybe others or that after emancipation there were Jim Crow laws and forced segregation, is wrong then we are not teaching them history.  Facts are facts and how white people treated others is often not a pretty fact.

Its not critical race theory.

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