Friday, June 25, 2021

Moderate America

 Being a reporter must be very frustrating at times, especially in these times.  Our media like to paint in big broad strokes indicating we have mostly crazed people who believe in crazy conservative or progressive ideas.  

For example, everyone on the left is a big supporter of AOC because she is popular on social media.  Well its simply not true and in all honestly while I do think she is herself more moderate than portrayed, she has enough support to win primaries which are a broken system.  

Similarly the reason we see so much support for the last president is his followers are also willing to come out and vote in primaries.

The first thing the media needs to realize is that most Americans are not spending their days arguing over the intricacies of Government or politics.  It shouldn't be hard to figure this out.  Generally they like the Government as things seem to work and dislike it when they don't.

Many people, probably too many, will vote for their parties nominee.  So winning the primary is close to a guarantee of election in much of the country.  The people then expect results so while opinion polls show certain trends, much of that is deceptive.

If asked to pick between two things, it is likely they will pick something even if they really hardly care.

They may oppose anything called illegal, like some immigration, but how much they care about it on a daily basis is questionable.  Is just not a big part of their real lives.

As we may be starting to see Americans all basically want a Government that works and addresses issues that matter to them.  

Not a story the media can sell.

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