Saturday, June 19, 2021

Entertainment, Not News

 If you listen to certain right wing media over the years they have been warning us of all sorts of  looming tragedies as those socialist fascist liberals were attacking the America we all love.

I haven't been keeping score but using the swag technique, exactly zero of them have materialized.

No one is confiscating your guns, no one has opened the borders, no one has mandated unisex bathrooms, no one has replace the national anthem, etc. etc. etc.

In fact they are more accurate if you believe the opposite of what they say.  Covid was not fake, the vaccines do not have a relationship with 5G, the election wasn't stolen, the economy hasn't collapsed, unemployment is shrinking despite the benefits and the vast majority of black lives matter protesters were peaceful.

The lists go on and on but despite their terrible track record they maintain ratings.

That's because they are an entertainment channel using what used to be called shock jock tactics, be more outrageous than everyone else.

Its fun until you realize some of the audience actually believes what they say.

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