Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Stupid Ideas Get the Press

I can't decide if the outrage over Critical Race Theory is real of simply a product of Conservative politics.

I suspect the latter as they are appealing to what has become the core of their party.  These are the people who Hillary called deplorables and while that was a political mistake it was accurate.

Of course when I read about things like defund the police of redesign of the flag I have to shake my head.

Stopping police brutality is an important concept and more so if you are likely to get gunned down by them for simply being somewhere.  Too often the police act like an occupying force who have to maintain order.  Still no one really wants to eliminate them except maybe the criminals.  Teach them other skills or provide them with better help to resolve conflicts.  When we defined the war on drugs a war I think it was a mistake we still live with.  

Things like changing the flag are just silly.  Its just another crazy liberal thing.  We do have our crazies but if you want to improve America fix voting, fix policing, fix income inequality.  Don't worry about the flag.  No one ever equated the colors of it to racist ideas although it has been used by proponents of hateful ideas.  

We live in a country that honors free speech so of course those with outlandish ideas can express them.  You just need to realize you might be giving away the congress and the senate if you get too bad.

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