Thursday, June 3, 2021


 Since our founding we have had an issue with the idea of Federalism.  Federalism requires the State Governments to concede primacy to a central Government.  

In the early days of the republic, we saw a significant difference between slave states and free states.  This ultimately led to the civil war as the slave states started to fear they would be forced to change by the majority.

That war was about slavery but a secondary issue was whether we were one nation or a collection of many.  

The issue faded for a while but has become more relevant as in the modern era States are more exposed to national scrutiny.

It may seem like ancient history but continued to impact this country in many ways.  The descendants of slaves have been treated in some states as second class people, 

The only way to fix some of this, barring a major shift in the politics of those states would be federal intervention guaranteeing some rights.

Should a person in this country have the same rights and privileges in every state of the union are not?

That question is not solved to this day and maybe it should be.

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