Sunday, June 20, 2021

Voting Rights

 The question that has to be answered is whether our Government can do anything in a bipartisan way?  If course many things line the recent vote on Juneteenth passed with cross party votes, but the real policy issues seem unlikely.  

Take voting in this country.  This was something left to the States because after all it only involved counting votes and verifying the people who voted.  Those two simple requirements have led to a series of controversies.  The one that has cropped up throughout our history is the verifying who can vote or maybe more accurately stopping the wrong people from voting.

It is simple math, if you suppress the votes of people who won't vote with you, you can win even if unpopular.  Counting the ballots is also a simple task that has been challenged multiple times.  

Should it be centralized or should the central Government set up rules and assure they are followed?

Well a State depriving a voter of his right to vote should be a crime.  We already had a rule that addressed this in certain States but the Supreme Court felt pre-approval was no longer necessary.  Yet discrimination in voting continues.    It does seem like rules for voting should be the same everywhere.  

This is a law that cries out to be bipartisan but we already know it won't be.  It will probably never pass.

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