If you consider some of the people who have become celebrities both now and, in the past, the characteristic that made them famous is much like an idiot savant. For example, take charles Lindberg who famously wa the first to solo over the Atlantic. The fame that came with this event was extraordinary and potentially led to the tragic death of his son. However, it did not qualify him as a political candidate and in fact he had some odd views.
Celebrities are a bit like the student who makes a scene in the classroom, and everyone then knows who they are. Most of us don't crave attention enough to make a spectacle of ourselves but some do. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, after all they are free, but they resemble assholes in that way.
Some might say I'm psting opinions here, and they would be right, but when I started doing this I did it more as a journal where I consider events and jot down my thoughts.
I have opinions and I didn't pay for them so I can offer them up now if anyone is interested.
They are of course free if you want to use any.
We have to control Climate Change We are like the people of Ponpei wondering if the Volcano was a problem.
We need to respect all people and guarantee they have the freedoms we have. I didn't say like or love, but understand we are all equal. It was common at on time to hear people (white) ask each other what do those people (Black) want? Well, the question reveals the problem, they should have the same things as everyone else.
Immigrants have always been good for this country and that hasn't changed.
Freedom to act is absolute until you impact other people. Free speech doesn't cover yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre. Some of the stuff in social media comes under that.