Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Don't Look!

 I guess if you listen to the negative nellies on right wing media you might think the country has a long list of problems.  i don't see it.  Like any country we have things to deal with, like taxes and budgets, but those are not in crises.  Some might report them like they are, they just aren't.

Is our Democracy in trouble?  Well, I doubt it, I can't imagine most Americans have any interest in getting rid of it.  In fact, the list of issues seems manipulated, probably by foreign entities.  As a nation we tend to rely way too much on immediate feedback from social media.  Social media is very flawed and maybe it deserves to be called a crisis.  Probably not, maybe we just need to ignore it more.

Climate change is the only real issue we need to deal with.  or it will deal with us.  We also had the Pandemic but in the long run it isn't really a threat to our existence like climate change is.

There is movie on Netflix which while a bit exaggerated shows how politics and profit motive can impact doing what we need to do to survive. It's called "Don't Look Up" and is about a scientific discovery that threatens all of us.

You would like to think that we could put the good of everyone ahead of the interests of a few.

Can we?

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