Friday, January 14, 2022

Income Inequlity

 There is a concern about income inequality in this country.  One of the ways to correct this would be by using the income tax regulations which are progressive in nature.

The idea of a progressive tax system is certainly socialist in nature where those who have more pay more.  This would be true under almost any tax system.  Consider sales taxes, not a progressive system in general.  The more you spend the more taxes you pay, but the percentage you pay stays the same. Some progressive elements have been introduced in some places by exempting basic necessities such as food from taxation.  It's not progress since two people buying the same thing pay the same tax no matter the income or wealth differences.

Some want to make the tax rates much more progressive which in our history has precedent.  Top tax rates were at 70% a few times in our history.  Let's be clear, tax brackets not the most effective way to influence change.  The tax code has a lot of built-in loopholes which are used by out wealthiest.  \

Some have proposed imposition of wealth tax to fund some progress reforms.  The distribution of wealth in this country is worse than income inequality.   

Do we want to fix income inequality?  I think most of the public looking at the numbers would like to bur not if it impacts them.  

The best way to correct it seems to be to increase the wealth of our poorest by giving them programs like health care, childcare or retirement security.  It avoids the Robin Hood concept of taking from the rich and giving to the poor once it isn't money being transferred.  Its indirect.

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