Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Gas Guzzlers Stil?

 There is a streak of contrariness in some people that ignores the facts and will simply disobey the authorities.  

It doesn't seem like an acquired thing, so it seems that a certain percentage of the population was born with contrariness.

I imagine in some ways it could lead to survival if the rest of the tribe followed a fatal order.  Still in modern society it just seems to be an annoyance and a hindrance.

We are seeing it on display with Covid where people won't get vaccinated or wear a mask.  That behavior allows the virus to continue and stay dangerous.

I don't know if the climate deniers are a significant force, but our use of oil seems unabated and pricey.  I realize the electric vehicles are not the same as gasoline, yet but we keep buying, when available, giant cars that most of us don't need.

I think many of us have made world friendly decisions in our choice of lightbulbs or energy efficient appliances, but it seems a bit odd that people complaining about gasoline prices buy gas guzzlers?  

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