Thursday, January 27, 2022

Moral Obligation

 Not everything is a matter of opinion.  Facts don't care what you think about them, yet we use opinion polls to justify certain actions.

At times this is self-serving.  If you tell people there were irregularities in an election, they will think there were, even if you provide not a bit of legitimate proof.  The fact that they form that opinion is not proof of irregularities just the public can be played.

Since we seem to have a distrust of Government it's hard to find an authoritative source we can all agree on.  Similarly, in the Covid pandemic people would take slight changes in policy or approach as proof that the entire position was compromised.  It's pretty easy to take a series of normal changes and paint it as a major issue, we see talking heads on TV do it all the time.  

The simple fact is that a few exceptions are not conclusive even if they are real and not fabricated.  Why some feel that misleading so many is acceptable for ratings or elections is a test of our morals not the facts.

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