Sunday, January 16, 2022

Its Winter and Its Cold

 My biggest problem right now is that my old house can't handle these single digit temperatures well.  The fix has been staring me in the face for 40 years, more insulation, a more modern heating system, and an energy audit to reduce places like my dryer vent that allow cold air in.

This year is a little worse since my central air died and I decided to use window units for now.  They are not really insulated that well and overnight when we turn off our space heaters, the common areas drop into the lower 60s which is still 50 degrees warmer than outside but in the views of my family unacceptably cold.

As the first one up I turn on our electric fireplace and try to incorporate using the stove in my breakfast plans.  As I sit a little bundled up it really reminds me of my early days in the Bronx where it always seemed cold in the early mornings in the winter.  I didn't bleed my radiators this year but will do so this week if they need it.  Some are sort of inaccessible and I'm just not as flexible as I used to be.  Since the cold snap is due to end, I probably won't do any of the major upgrades that would reduce the problem.

In fact, having to deal with being chilly in the morning is a bit nostalgic as I remember sitting in the kitchen with the stove on before heading to school.  In those days we had to walk through the fairly constant snow uphill both ways somehow.  It actually was true as the street I lived on had a bit of a crest that was uphill until you got to it and then downhill for a bit.

So yes, you had some uphill walking both ways, then downhill.

The uphill was what you complained about.

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