Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Society Has Tough Choices

 The job of Government is to do things that improve the lives of it citizens.  This includes portecting citizens from invaders and making sure they are treated fairly in society.

These functions have gotten increasingly complex in modern society and can be debated.  At what point does society (Government) need to step in?  People have a responsibility to take care of themselves and their families.  Those who can't are reliant upon society.

Society doesn't always treat them well.  Helping the poor takes away from helping your own.  Why exactly are they needy is also a question.  People who are in need because they got injured while serving society are clearly needy, yet we have many homeless veterans who may have only suffered mental trauma.

We live in a developed society where some people feel that they are entitled to live a certain lifestyle.  This depends a lot on how their expectations were built up.  Some went to college and got a degree along with a ton of Student Debt. Unfortunately, some degrees do not lead to gainful employment.  

Faced wth the need to support oneself, start a family and burdened with massive student debt they feel that the advisors who told them to go to college misled them.  College graduates on average make more than people who didn't go, but not every time.

Now they want society to pay their loans.

Ultimately, they made the decisions and while they may have been poorly advised, blanket forgiveness helps the ones that don't need help. 

If you decided to get a job instead, spent time learning a trade and now have a decent income and obligations, should you pay for someone who went to college for 4 or more years to graduate without marketable skills?

It's a tough question but I think we all know the answer. 

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