Monday, January 17, 2022


 Apparently, inflation varies significantly by region and even individual.  I see people post that they are paying as much as 50% more for groceries when the inflation for food is more like 5%..  I don't doubt that many prices are higher than they were a year ago, but the statistics don't support increases like that.

Much of the increase measured is related to energy and housing.  Energy costs had a significant increase over last years depressed prices but that seems to be fixing itself as more gasoline and oil hits the market. Housing is running very high but for every buyer there is also a seller.  Plus, buying or selling a house is not a monthly event.   Rents are up but that also is related to lease renewals.

I suspect that a certain number of those reports are created by bots, not people and are designed to plant an impression in people's minds, similar to rightwing media.  If you see posts complaining about the high rate of inflation you may subconsciously believe it, even when the actual inflation figures are much lower.  

The only policy the Republican party seem to have is to win the next election.  Once they win, they can reward their corporate backers and further erode voting rights.

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