Sunday, January 30, 2022


 Politics has become a way of life in some respects but not in what I consider the real heart of this country where ordinary people simply try to live their lives and raise their families as best they can.  

Each family is different but when a single event like a blizzard impacts all of them you get to see the real America.  Helping each other out, not worrying about who they voted for or whom they might vote for, is what a neighborhood looks like.

A power outage is a real problem that needs to be dealt with while the Supreme Court is almost an abstraction.  Our system requires them to exist, but they should generally be hearing complex case of law, not creating problems.

It's always been true that Americans deal with problems and help each other.  It's a large part of our history.  With a few exceptions someone who moves in is rapidly incorporated.  

Yes there are issues in how we treat each other but the real solution is simply getting to know each other.  

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