Thursday, January 20, 2022

Let Americans Vote

 It's pretty simple really, either you support the right of every American to vote or you don't.  It's a hallmark of our systems that depriving one citizen of his rights is worse than any alternative.  Finding real election fraud is a very rare event and when it is found it isn't organized.

If you increase requirements and prevent some eligible voters from voting you have violated their civil rights no matter their ethnicity.  This is happening in a number of states under the pretense that there was a lot of fraud in the last election.

If you replace the word fraud with "minority voters" the whole campaign makes more sense.  If you went back to the good old days when only the "white" people got to vote the result would have been quite different.  This attempt to make America white again is doomed to failure but there is a scorched earth policy by some to hold on as long as possible.

The solution is pretty obvious, stop seeing the world in black and white and trust your fellow Americans.  Think of the silly white supremacist chants of "We will not be replaced".  Well, everyone gets replaced sooner or later.  

You just won't be around to worry about it.

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