Saturday, January 15, 2022

Mid-term Tradition?

 In 2018 I was on the road a lot and generally I would stay in places with complementary breakfasts.  A lot of the places I stayed were very Republican and since the mid-terms were coming up there were a lot of political ads on the early news, which I assume was more affordable than later in the day. The real election in many of those places was the Republican primary and the races revolved around those loyal to the then unpopular President and "principled" conservatives.

I'm not sure who won what races, but it seems like it was those loyal to the President based on the results.  I may have been watching the last gasps of the old Republicans who were clearly trying to separate themselves from some of the actions of the President, thus the "Principled" part of the message.  

It's hard to find many of those old time Republicans in office anymore.  What we see is a party that has one purpose, to obstruct the current Democratic administration and take back the reins of power.  They may succeed since all we tend to see reported are failures of the administration and not the earlier successes.  It's not a full year since the inauguration, but many media outlets are taken great glee in any failures of Biden.

There is a lot of focus on his Poll numbers, but they may be deceptive.   Clearly Republicans are negative about him, but he has angered a fair number of Progressives who are not familiar with how Democracy works in this country.  I wonder how many of them are saying they don't like his job performance.  The question will be how they will vote in the mid-terms?

Some feel like the mid-terms were decided because of the record of the Presient losing seats after winning the presidency.  There are reasons for that and whether this election will follow suit is only going to be determined after the votes are in.  

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