Monday, January 10, 2022

Build for the Future

 The next few months will give us a true indication of the economy and whether its going to continue its expansion.  It certainly seems likely as the infrastructure jobs hit and life becomes moe normal.  

If we can also get the work to builfd the green projects, we might see a real period of growth similar to the 1950s.

We have perpetual naysayers who despite being wrong most of the time, manage to attract an audience.  They appeal to the people who prefer controversy.  I refuse to accept the argument that a large number of Americans would prefer secession to working out any problems.  I don't think we hve that many real onew except exaggerated ones played up by some media.

Immagration is mostly an issue near the border and even ther not much of one. 

Inflation may be with us a little longer.  We will always have some, but it will return to what is more usual recently.

We have plenty of jobs and wages are going up, The bigger danger might be a shortage of workers.

Social issues seem to be problematic but not really if you get past the hoopla.  Abortion is high on the list but no matter what the Supreme Court does the issue will remain.  It is a ver significant matter to anyone wanting or needing one but that is a pretty small percentage of the population.  The struggle to end racism will continue and people are learning the extent.

At the heart of these issues is a lot of misinformation.  Much of this is as a result of foreign actors using our social media.

We can solve that too.

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