Thursday, January 6, 2022

Expose the Ringleaders

 A year ago, today we saw an attack on the US Capitol motivated by political unrest based upon a lie about the election.  The videos clearly show violent acts and forceful displays I never associated with this country, just coups in thir world countries.  You can try to ignore the videos but even if many people in D.C that day didn't participate in the worst of the violence, they aided and abeted those who did.   

Some are trying to compare this to what happened during protests over Black Live Matter.  There is no doubt that during the BLM marches some took advantage to loot.  The looters took advantage of a situation to steal things they wanted.  We call them criminals.

Those attempting to overthrow he results of a lawful election are traitors.  It's also becoming clear that the actions of Jan 6 were planned, organized and encouraged by certain elected politicians.  While peaceful protests over racial injustice are supported by many people, no one claims the looting was justified pr didn't happen.

We spent a lot of time a few years ago trying to assign blame for Benghazi, an attack on our embassy by foreign terrorists.  We owe our democracy as much if not more.

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