Sunday, January 9, 2022


 It would be naive not to realize that some people take advantage of others.  To some extent maybe everyone does.   I sometimes take for granted everyone is aware of things like Maslow's hierarchy of needs but I'm sure that's not true.  Effectively it is a theory that humans have needs that need to satisfied and some are going to be more pressing than others.

The theory has a lot of common sense associated with it as it postulates that humans have to satisfy some needs before they worry about higher level ones.  If you are hungry and cold you are probably not interested in discussing philosophy.

I don't want to oversimplify the theory, but the commonsense part is that when you are really hungry the only thing on your mind is getting food.  Satisfying those needs opens the door for "higher" level development such as social and intellectual needs.  

Human behavior is complex, but it is also something we are all familiar with.  There are also times when certain other factors influence it.  Parental feelings can cause you to ignore your own basic needs to those of your children.

One thing the hierarchy tells us is that those with unfulfilled basic needs will try to satisfy them without considering higher level issues like social norms.  It also tells us that if all basic creature needs are satisfied humanity can move up and on. 

Should needs be denied as policy forcing many to take any jobs to survive or should they have those needs satisfied so they can participate more freely in higher level activities?  This question is one of the basic issues in our politics.

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