Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Actions speak louder than Words

Its interesting when many of the headlines about the speech Trump made last night highlight the fact that he didn't act the usual clown.

Of course he had a lot of time to prepare and was able to stick to the script pretty well and wore a more conciliatory tie.

The question that has to be answered is simply is it just words.

A lot of the rhetoric about bringing back industries, rebuilding infrastructure, keeping the best elements of health care were fine, but can he deliver anything?

He has to deal with his own republican congress and has to actually develop a plan with details for any thing to have a chance.

The one thing I'm pretty certain about is that he is easily swayed and as time passes will continue to be erratic.

To some extent he spent much of his life as a salesman for the projects he wanted to build, making promises to potential investors that didn't always work out.

Making these promises to the American people is a bit different.

Many of them actually think they are real.

Disappointment for his supporters is pretty inevitable, at least the ones who think we are returning to some manufacturing past.

The danger is in trying to do that we may be turning our backs on our real future opportunities.

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