Thursday, March 9, 2017

Gutting the EPA

If you want to rob a bank to get money, the problems you face are the fact that the bank doesn't want to be robbed, and that the police (the Government) will try to stop or apprehend you.

Of course you have already overcome the moral issue that robbing a bank is bad, so that leaves you with the two problems above.

Considering that the bank is probably dependent on the Government to protect them, the first part is fairly easily overcome since they aren't geared up to fight back.

So getting the Government out of your way is the challenge.

Now remember, the money in the bank isn't the banks, it belongs to the depositors or the people, who trust the bank and who rely on the Government guarantee that their money is safe.

Now if some very clever and long perspective criminals worked arduously to cut the police budget and reduce their equipment they would greatly reduce the possibility of Government interference in their bank robbing.

Now we all agree that bank robbing is bad or at least most of us do, but this is the very situation we are faced with today.

Getting Government out of the way so that businesses can effectively rob us and our children's clean air and water.

Now they are maintaining that the regulations aren't needed, that they eliminate jobs and are counter productive are of course self serving allegations.

The pollution we allow today will sicken us but more so the generations to follow. 

We have polluted sites all around this country from the past when industry was pretty much allowed to do what they wanted.  What they want to do is to make money and live someplace where the air and water are good.

They don't really care what the rest of us drink and breathe.

Gut the EPA and let the rest of us wonder about the increase in respiratory diseases and pollution based cancers.

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