Monday, March 6, 2017

Media Sheep

Our media has become the enemy of the American people in the way they operate.

One of the problems is that many Americans tend to be either lazy or stupid, it doesn't matter which, and seldom get past the headlines.

So the media wants headlines that grab their attention and print some pretty outrageous sounding things in them.

Now take the latest delusional episode in our dumbed down America.

Stories about the Trump campaign interactions with the Russians during the actual campaign have been pushed off the front pages by completely unfounded allegations about wiretapping of Trump tower.  Now no reasonable person thinks that happened, including the traitor in charge of the FBI, but now that its in the headlines it is circulating as a thing.

Similar to the long campaign against Hillary Clinton, the allegations don't have to be true, they just have to be out there to permeate the public. 

Now of course the purpose here is to deflect the attention from where it should be to something else, not win an election, and it is working.

We see the intelligence committee saying they will include this as part of their investigation, which is of course silly since not a shred of evidence exists about it.

However, bringing people in and asking them about it will give it additional credibility.

Meanwhile the focus on the actual wrongdoings gets buried.

The improper interactions with the Russians. 

The media has become sheep, easily led because they don't know what the alternative is.

They need to become wolves.

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