Saturday, March 4, 2017

Saturday Thoughts

Read an article today about how the republican leadership is afraid to let details out about their proposed health care bill.  Guess the idea of having a chance to comment and improve on it is now back to back room politics and deals.

What is scary about what I see going on is how many of the American people believe complete lies.

Its an interesting study in the impact of propaganda and how a totalitarian state can arise.

Just convince enough people that fantasy is real and that everyone else is a liar and they will let you get away with anything.

In the musical Chicago, there is a song where it says if you don't have the facts, give them the old razzle dazzle.

We are getting plenty of razzle dazzle now.

Talk about obvious lies that get believed.

Muslim refugees are not vetted, they are.

Undocumented immigrants are dangerous, less so than the general public.

The borders are wide open, they aren't.

The trade deals are terrible, well not so much.

The Affordable Care Act is a disaster, it isn't.

Can improve air and water quality while removing restrictions on pollution.

Climate change is a hoax.

And many more.

Perhaps the biggest problem is that we have a President who believes these lies himself.  Probably also bought all those products advertised on late night TV, could explain that hair.

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