Saturday, March 18, 2017


A lot of people claimed that American values were in danger and to some extent the election was impacted by people who wanted to restore these values.

Now the only value that has ever made America great was tolerance.

However, they are confusing American values with intolerance for others

Now if you don't go into the armed forces your chances of being hurt by a foreign terrorist are slim.

If you don't live in one of the likely targets (generally big cities) the chances become much slimmer.

In fact the likelihood is almost non-existent for most Americans.  Not zero, but pretty slim.

We have however made a big deal out of it and certainly we should never let our guard down, but the real danger is that some troubled person who is here legally will become radicalized and do something, i.e. the Boston Marathon or the Orlando Nightclub.  They might have nothing to do with Islam.

The people coming here to escape fighting or to start a new life are not the ones we should worry about, especially since they are already extensively vetted.

In general they are more invested in making a new life for themselves. We all  know that being an immigrant has always been difficult, leaving what you know behind and starting over amid challenges and hostility. 

If something in your life isn't going the way you want it to, its unlikely to be an immigrants fault.  Not the refugees, not the ones who come here on visas, and not the ones who come here without documents.

There are of course criminal elements that operate in multiple countries, like the Russian mob or Mexican cartels and they are criminals.  Some of the people moving back and forth have associations with these groups and others, smuggling people, drugs and weapons etc. and we should do what we can to stop them.  However, the person with a family who works in a low paying job to support his family isn't the problem.  In fact, more of them are leaving recently, the ones who are staying are invested in this country and have become Americans.

The hate and fear exhibited by so many is simply wrong and in-American.  Lets restore the true American value of tolerance and stop being paranoid.

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