Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How low Can You Go

The campaign was notable for its attacking approach and because the American public seems to have opted for being contrarian to some extent it ended up being successful.

Now the campaign was helped by a lot of factors, which convinced just enough voters to vote for someone who they realized was outlandish but whom they assumed would become presidential if elected.

I'm also convinced, that had the polls shown him with a real chance some of those voters would have been too smart to vote for him, but considered it a protest vote against someone who was slandered on all sides.

Well it turns out it wasn't a protest vote, it was simply a stupid vote and now you have caught the car so to speak.

More presidential?  Well except for one speech where he was tele-prompted to non-idiocy, not so much.

He has lied about things and then acted like a child with cookie crumbs all over his mouth saying is wasn't his fault, blame fox. 

He of course lied to his supporters all along and now is promoting policies that will further erode their quality of life.

Now realistically, this is the sort of behavior that was cultivated in the world of construction and real estate politics.

Its not a good formula for actually governing a country and he listens to people who don't have a clue either.

His ratings (poll numbers) continue to drop and that is driving him crazy and he is lashing out at democrats and liberals for promoting fake news, that just happens to be supported by the facts.

The fact that this is happening so early in the presidency is scary but of course it was inevitable. 

We live in a country where a lot of people think someone else is at fault.  They blame the government but keep electing people who promise to destroy it, and let them fend for themselves. 

We have the president we deserve if we don't realize that the government reflects us and when it doesn't work there are real consequences to pay.

Unless you happen to be wealthy, then this is good for you.

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