Monday, March 13, 2017

Learn Who They Are

A lot of people break things down into us vs them. The problem is that most of those people are picking the wrong "thems".

If you lost your job because of a manufacturing plant closing down, that was a business decision, not some Hollywood celebrity.

Immigrants coming into this country has been allowed because they provide cheap labor, not because liberals want it.

Now if you just hate the idea of social progress and equal rights for all, then go ahead and blame the liberals.  However, your economic issues are the result of business decisions which were made by wealthy executives, not a bunch of hippies.

No one is after your guns or going to tell you what religion to practice.  The people lying to you about that want you to focus on the wrong "them".

The people who want clean air and water are trying to improve your health as well, so if you hate them you might want to ask why.  The jobs didn't leave because of that, it was a business decision.

Coal is being replaced by cheaper natural gas much more than solar or wind, although they will also become more relevant.  It isn't coming back because it isn't needed and it isn't a good business decision.

The wealthy people who run this country are the ones who are doing these things and giving them more tax breaks as a reward isn't going to create jobs, at least not in any meaningful way.

The fact that services are poor is because of those tax breaks.

Of course, you can continue to be persuaded that the enemy are people who have no real impact on your lives, the liberal media, the Hollywood elite, all those people on the coasts, but they aren't dong anything that actually impacts you.

Its the same people it has always been and you really already know that.

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